The Power of Clarity Mapping

Have you ever struggled with an idea not being able to see it clearly?

Have you ever gotten lost in the creative process losing time and energy developing your idea?

Do you know you have value but can't seem to access it?

You are not alone. Often times the biggest block in the creative process is ourselves. It's the old adage: You can't see the forest through the trees. You are too close to your idea and don't have perspective to see the bigger picture. 

Clarity Mapping was designed as a way to cut through that block, unleash your value and genius in a way that is not only fun, it gives you more energy. We've been able to shave weeks, months and years off the creative process.

Clarity Mapping is a hybrid of mind mapping and being guided strategically through the process.

It's a process where you are guided through playful strategic conversation to tease your idea out of your mind. We help you develop your idea, find the gaps you may not have seen and develop areas that weren't visible at first thought. It's a fun, co-creative process and at the end you have your idea mapped out with structure and flow in a format written in your own language so you can immediately recall your thought process. We help you take the complex and make it simple.

Part one: Mind mapping

Mind mapping is a powerful tool. It's a visual representation of your ideas or thoughts laid out in a structured format. It allows you to get distance from your mind and be able to see in it picture format which allows your creative right brain to get involved and draw associations you may not have arrived at just thinking about it. 

How to get started?  We recommend you sit down and mind map out ideas on paper. Yes, it's messy you'll make mistakes and that is all part of the learning process. Skipping this step you miss essential connections your brain can make speeding up your process.

Yes, start on paper. Starting on paper allows your mind to create without limitations. This is essential and often people skip this step wanting to rush into using technology. When you start off with a computer program, you are limited by the program and it's abilities. You are working within someone else's defined reality.

An easy way to explain this is using an example of my physical organizing days. My clients would want to get organized so they would go to the container store. First, they had no real idea of what they were organizing and containing only an idea of the outcome they'd wanted. The first mistake is not to know what you need to contain; the volume and the size. When you don't know this, you fall prey to finding a cool set of files, boxes, containers at the store.

Once you buy the containers you like so much, you go home and try to fit your organizing into the structure you just bought. Most of my clients, ended up with containers that didn't work and a system that broke mid-way through the process. This caused many of my clients to give up and think that they couldn't get organized. 

The challenge was they let the system define their structure first. That is what happens when you start with a computer program. I worked on paper, even though it's very messy and I am not an artist, for several months until I understood how my brain worked. Only after that did I move to a computer system. This clarity also helped me choose the system that works best for my brain.

Part two: Strategic Coach or Guide

Having a coach or a guide can take you farther than you could ever get on your own in a shorter period of time. We all know with sports that coaches are essential. It's important to have someone trained to see what you can't in order to take you where you want to go. I'm not saying you can't do it on your own. Only you can do it faster, more effectively and get a broader picture with someone who is qualified to strategically guide you through the process. 

Here is the key: You must work with someone who will pull your words, your ideas out of your head and not put in their own. In this process, there have been coaches and trainers that give you the answers in a such a way that you end up with their idea and not your own. You must find someone who can stay neutral and make sure the process is focused on finding your wording and your voice. It's about freeing your voice, your idea to come out into the world. Much like Michaelangelo when he would sculpt. He'd see the image in the stone and chip away what was blocking that from being seen.

"I saw the angel in the statue and I carved until I set him free."  
 - Michaelangelo

Have you ever had that organized friend who is naturally organized?

Most organizers I have met are organizers because they love it and are very good at it. What I've seen happen is they put you into their system or their way of doing things. If it doesn't work or you aren't able to maintain the system you somehow think you aren't able to be organized. 

Here is the answer: Your brain works differently than their brain. If they put their thinking on you it's unlikely you'll be able to maintain the system and you will lose much energy trying to do so. You must have a system that is built upon the way you think. Only then will you be able to maintain with greater ease and it will be set up in an intuitive way that you won't need to think about where things go.

By combining mind mapping with being strategically guided, you end up creating at the speed of sound. You save time, energy and money. You are able to talk out your idea with someone who can capture it, find the structure and flow giving it back to you so you can run with it. 

Get started with mind mapping. Start exploring how your brain likes to associate and create. This is a great step to start understanding yourself and your potential. It also helps break through the mental clutter that ties up your energy. 

Get my free download and get started today!

If you'd like to know more about Clarity Mapping or have a conversation about what's possible. 
If you know you have value but can't seem to access it or see it clearly, this is for you!

Book a FREE call today!